Husky Hold’em will be a tournament divided into two rounds.

The first round will be a pokerbots challenge round where each pokerbot will get to face against every other pokerbot in a headsup game. Each game will 10,000 hands where each bot gets 5 seconds to make a decision. Starting stack for each game will be 1000 and will reset with every game. Each bot that wins a game gets a +1 score while each bot that loses a game gets a -1 score. Top 8 teams will be advanced to the next round

Round 2 will be a live poker showdown where each competing team will send a representative to play live poker with their pokerbots. The games will be held live where each teams will enter the game board values into their pokerbots to get assistance on what the players move should be. The players can choose to listen to their bots or make their own decisions to play the game however they please. Round 2 will be a seeded knockout tournament where losing a game eliminates the team from the bracket. Each game in round two will last 30 minutes and winners are decided by whoever has the most chips at the end of the game. Starting stack for each game will be 1000 and will reset with every game.